WG High Power Coupling Fixed Attenuator
Vector Telecom offers a series of rectangular waveguide attenuators. Typical Attenuation values are 3dB, 6dB, 10dB, 20dB and 30dB (other attenuation values available, consult sales engineers for details). The assembly construction includes a precision element for optimum electrical performance, but note that Attenuation vs. Frequency can vary greatly depending on the attenuation at a given frequency. Waveguide Fixed Attenuators with normal and high power units are also available. For more information feel free to call us and discuss your needs with one of our sales engineers.WG High Power Coupling Fixed Attenuator
WG High Power Coupling Fixed Attenuator
Download WG High Power Coupling Fixed Attenuator Catalogue »
WG High Power Coupling Fixed Attenuator Product Range
  (GHz) Max (W) (dB) (W)  
VT12WHPCFA 0.96-1.46 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R12/WR770 10-4000 more »
VT14WHPCFA 1.13-1.73 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R14/WR650 10-4000 more »
VT18WHPCFA 1.45-2.20 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R18/WR510 10-4000 more »
VT22WHPCFA 1.72-2.61 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R22/WR430 10-4000 more »
VT26WHPCFA 2.17-3.30 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R26/WR340 10-4000 more »
VT32WHPCFA 2.60-3.95 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R32/WR284 10-4000 more »
VT40WHPCFA 3.22-4.90 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R40/WR229 10-4000 more »
VT48WHPCFA 3.94-5.99 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R48/WR187 10-4000 more »
VT58WHPCFA 4.64-7.05 1.2 FDP/FDM Al 10-4000 3-60 R58/WR159 10-4000 more »
VT70WHPCFA 5.38-8.17 1.2 FDP/FDM Cu 10-3000 3-60 R70/WR137 10-3000 more »
VT84WHPCFA 6.57-9.99 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-3000 3-60 R84/WR112 10-3000 more »
VT100WHPCFA 8.20-12.50 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-3000 3-60 R100/WR90 10-3000 more »
VT120WHPCFA 9.84-15.0 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-3000 3-60 R120/WR75 10-3000 more »
VT140WHPCFA 11.9-18.0 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-1000 3-60 R140/WR62 10-1000 more »
VT180WHPCFA 14.5-22.0 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-1000 3-60 R180/WR51 10-1000 more »
VT220WHPCFA 17.6-26.7 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-600 3-60 R220/WR42 10-600 more »
VT260WHPCFA 21.7-33.0 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-600 3-60 R260/WR34 10-600 more »
VT320WHPCFA 26.3-40.0 1.2 FBP/FBM/FBE Cu 10-600 3-60 R320/WR28 10-600 more »
VT400WHPCFA 32.9-50.1 1.2 FUGP Cu 10-600 3-60 R400/WR22 10-600 more »
VT500WHPCFA 39.2-59.6 1.25 FUGP Cu 10-300 3-60 R500/WR19 10-300 more »
VT620WHPCFA 49.8-75.8 1.25 FUGP Cu 10-300 3-60 R620/WR15 10-300 more »
VT740WHPCFA 60.5-91.9 1.25 FUGP Cu 10-200 3-60 R740/WR12 10-200 more »
VT900WHPCFA 73.8-112 1.25 FUGP Cu 10-200 3-60 R900/WR10 10-200 more »

* The Standard Model Numbers above are the most common parts ordered for size, material and flange. However, these models can easily be altered to accommodate your needs by using the Model # code system below for complete part number.
** Please refer to the Technical Reference section for flange types/connectors details. Please contact us for your specific requirements.

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